The Letter That Got Me Accepted Into Medical School (Free Template)

What is a Medical School Letter of Intent?

A letter of intent tells a medical school that you will matriculate into their program if they accept you. This is beneficial for schools because they want to offer acceptances to students who will actually attend, as opposed to being strung along by students who are undecided/have no intention of matriculating into their program. It also benefits the applicant because it gives them another opportunity to connect with the school after their interview.


Letter of Intent vs. Letter of Interest

Differences Between Letters of Intent & Interest

The main differences between a letter of intent and a letter of interest are the number of schools they’re sent to, when they’re sent, and the level of commitment each one holds.


How Many Schools Should You Send Letters of Interest/Intent to?

A letter of intent is binding(-ish) and is only sent to one medical school. I say “-ish” because there’s nothing that actually requires you to attend that school if they accept you, but ethically it’s the right thing to do. Medicine is also a small world, so you never know how your integrity as an applicant will affect your opportunities in the future. Letters of interest can be sent to as many medical schools as you’d like.


When Should You Send a Letter of Interest/Intent to a Medical School?

Another big difference between these letters is that a letter of intent is only sent out after the interview. You should wait at least four weeks after your interview to send a letter of intent. Letters of interest, on the other hand, can be sent as soon as six weeks after you’ve applied to a school if haven’t heard back regarding an interview. Follow the same guidelines as the letter of intent if you’ve already interviewed at the school you’re sending the letter to.


What Should be Included in a Letter of Intent/Interest?

The content within a letter of intent is mostly the same as what’s included in a letter of interest. Both letters should show your continued interest in their program, express gratitude to the admissions committee for considering your application, and include an update on your activities since you applied/interviewed.


Letter of Interest/Intent Guidelines

What it should include:

  • An expression of thanks for considering your application

  • An emphasis on what you most appreciate about their program

  • Updates since your last communication

  • A connection between your updates and their offerings

  • How you will contribute to the school

  • A statement about your continued interest in their program

  • A second expression of thanks for considering your application

Letters of Interest & Intent Templates

These are the exact templates I used when I wrote my letters of interest and intent that helped me get interview invites and, ultimately, the acceptance I had been waiting for.

Medical School Letter of Interest Template (Microsoft Word Document)

Medical School Letter of Intent Template (Microsoft Word Document)

Medical School Letter of Interest Template (Google Doc)

Medical School Letter of Intent Template (Google Doc)

Be sure to address each letter to the dean of admissions, which most medical schools will have available on their website. You should only address it to the entire admissions committee if you can’t find this information after a deep dive through your emails and the school’s website.

Feel encouraged to reach out here or on Instagram if you have any questions or want to discuss your specific situation! Good luck!


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